If you like more flexibility and do not have time for online meetings every week you can also study the levels A0-A1, A1-A2 and the A2-B1 level completely online. But there is an optional meeting every other week to ask any questions you might have.(a link to sign-up for the meetings is provided)
The meetings will be on Friday.
- Level A0-A1 & A1-A2 from 12:00 – 13:00
- Level A2-B1 from 13:30 – 14:30
- Every other week there is an online meeting with your teacher to ask questions and receive feedback;
- Flexible way to study. You can study in our own place. Anytime and anywhere;
- Complete online study environment with lots off practice material. You will receive immediate feedback on your exercises and can redo them to repeat things;
- The teacher will monitor your progress online and you will submit homework to him for correction;
- You can always contact your teacher by email to ask questions;
- Course material is fully digital with 20 support languages. You can start studying at A0-A1 level without any previous knowledge of Dutch
- Study load per week: 1 chapter
- Total number of chapters per course: 8-10
- Total duration per course: Maximum 12 weeks
- price 149 euro (plus 50 euro for the study material)
- Order material A0-A2 click here. (The material can be used for the A0-A1 and the A1-A2 course)
- Order material A2 – B1 upper Click here.(The material can be used for the A2-B1 Intermediate and the B1-Intermediate- B1-Upper course)
- Request us to order material during registration
At the end of the course you will receive a certificate if you have completed at least 80% of your study load